Parents Alliance With School

Hello RMG Parents!
Have we met? I’m Nadine Preston, and I’ve been the President of the RMG PAWS Parent Group since my daughter started Pre-K eight whole years ago! I grew up with a family of educators and that’s just what I knew I should do when my daughter started school. I can remember my mother taking me to PTA meetings my whole life. Me and my friends would play in the gym while the Mom’s (or Dad’s!) would gather to discuss the next upcoming fundraiser or school function we were sponsoring. I can ALSO remember how I beamed every time my Mom came to the school or I got excited to have lunch with her knowing that she was in the gym hosting a luncheon with all of her fellow members. I was so proud that MY MOM was there. Some of my most fondest memories come from my mom at my school.

The RMG PAWS is made of up 7 amazing workings. Moms who commit to the PAWS just once a month: Darlene, Gretchen, Heidi, Jasmine, Dana, & Heather. You know them! We host 2-3 fundraisers a year and what we earn is what we can use towards what’s needed in our school. We have done some BIG things! The digital sign? We helped with that. That was a LOT of snack sales, auctions and book sales! New playground equipment? We have been known to get a piece or two when needed. Our teachers spend a LOT of money out of pocket each year to help with their students. We help, too! We host fun things for the kids as well: The ornament decorating every year at the holidays, we’ve thrown pizza parties, Fall Festivities, books for classrooms and even just recently we purchased t-shirts for every single student, staff, and even the bus drivers! We love what we do!
The RMG PAWS is made of up 7 amazing workings Moms who commit to the PAWS just once a month: Darlene, Gretchen, Heidi, Jasmine, Dana, & Heather. You know them! We host 2-3 fundraisers a year and what we earn is what we can use towards what’s needed in our school. We have done some BIG things! The digital sign? That was a LOT of snack sales, auctions and book sales! New playground equipment? We have been known to get a piece or two when needed. Our teachers spend a LOT of money out of pocket each year to help with their students. We help, too! We host fun things for the kids as well: The ornament decorating every year at the holidays, we’ve thrown pizza parties, Fall Festivities, books for classrooms and even just recently we purchased t-shirts for every single student, staff, and even the bus drivers! We love what we do!

We are always hoping for more Moms or Dads to join us. Many hands make light work and I can only assure you now as you’re reading this: We don’t have time or energy to run marathons all day. We make things basic, simple, and creative. You will not regret joining the PAWS and you’ll LOVE helping our school!
We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect. If you’re interested in joining us, we can always use your help.