Athletics at RMG
The Principal, Athletic Director, and coaches of Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School are committed to promoting a spirit of fair competition, cooperation, mutual support, respect, pride, and common purpose. We believe that athletics is promoted at RMG as a natural extension of the school’s academic program. The intention is to teach and develop physical skills, mental discipline, sportsmanship, and the striving spirit necessary for successful living. Students are encouraged to participate regardless of their skill level or experience. A full sports program is available, offering students the opportunity to participate in a range of athletic activities including: soccer, cross-country, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and cheerleading.

Athletic Eligibility
There are several areas of student activities that are considered when determining athletic eligibility. Students should refer to the athletic code for complete details. The basic academic requirements are summarized as follows:
Students must receive a passing grade in each class that they are enrolled in, including specials. Students’ grades will be checked weekly, usually on Monday. Students who are failing a class or not showing improvement, will be benched from practices and games for one week. If the student receives another failing grade or shows no signs of improvement when grades are checked the following week the student will once again be benched for one week. If a student fails for three grade checks in one ranking period, the student will be dismissed from the team. If the failing grade is due to late work, the student will be subject to the preceding consequences, regardless of when the late work is handed in. The failing grade will be taken at “face value” on the day that grades are checked. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that all work be handed in on time and done to the best of the students’ ability in order to avoid interruption in participation.
If a student receives a detention or suspension, they must serve the detention/suspension the following day. If that detention or suspension falls on the day of a game, the student will not be allowed to suit up and participate in the game. If a student has chronic absenteeism and/or tardiness they will not be eligible to participate in the sports programs. The Athletic Director and Principal expect that students will show appropriate behaviors during practices, games and bus rides to and from contests.