At Rose M Gaffney Elementary School, students receive so much more than an ordinary education. We pride ourselves on creating a unique, exciting environment that embraces all types of learners and promotes growth both academically and personally. We invite you to keep exploring our website, and get in touch with questions about our values, academics, community and more.

Eight Shared Understandings of the Machias Schools
The following eight statements are a vision of the beliefs of the staff of the Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School and the schools design team. They have been adopted by the Machias School System to guide our work in the twenty-first century. It is our belief that these eight areas are key to a successful school for the students, teachers, and the community of Machias.
Integration - We believe in an educational experience that is integrative in several dimensions. It integrates curriculums and integrates technology with those curriculums. It integrates parents and the community in the child’s education. It integrates the whole child using the whole environment.
Active Learning - We believe that active learning provides students with the opportunities to discover, and apply skills and knowledge, in ways that are meaningful to them, thus providing the vehicle for all students to be successful.
Diversity - We believe in recognizing and appreciating the differences among students and providing appropriate educational opportunities. The RMG staff has participated in differentiation training and will strive to make your child's learning relevant to them.
Accountability and Responsibility - We believe education should give students responsibility, teach them how to accept the responsibility, and hold them accountable.
Teamwork - We believe that learning to work in teams is an important skill vital to lifelong learning.
Assessment - We believe that we should assess student performance in ways that are consistent with our beliefs and with the ways we teach. Students will be assessed often and by varying means such as NWEA as well as formative assessments.
Communication - We believe that continual and open communication between the school, home, and community is vital to achieving overall success. Parents and community members will have access to a digital calendar. This along with the weekly Principal’s Message, distributed at the end of each week, are designed to keep RMG families and community members apprised of the happenings at RMG. The school website is also a tool for parents and community members to learn more about Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School. Powerschool access for students and parents of students in grades 4-8 provides a valuable tool to keeping track of homework and grades.
Strong Academics - We believe that each student should be provided a challenging academic program that meets his/her individual needs and emphasizes real life applications.
Peace of Mind Class - All students at RMG will participate in this curriculum that helps students learn to “self-regulate, be kind, solve conflicts skillfully, and prepare to build a more peaceful world”.